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Newsletter 185: The reach index 27 letter of 9 October 2024: Compliance

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  • Newsletter 185: The reach index 27 letter of 9 October 2024: Compliance

Newsletter 185: The reach index 27 letter of 9 October 2024: Compliance

Based on the information we have received from our suppliers and given the processes implemented in the production of products that we deliver for our customers (based on SILICONES and VULCANISES):

We declare that we are in compliance with regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, i.e., no substances above the threshold of 0.1% included in the SVHC list updated on 27 June 2024 ( 241 substances of Very High Concern ).

See the list of candidates available online on ECHA’s website:

We do not test our products for these substances.

This communication represents the only form of commitment for the subject matter, which the teams of CHEVALIER-CLERET – ELTEC will be able to take. We do not allow us to communicate on specific customer forms; Validity: until the next iteration of our publication on this subject.

EN SUS: The recent evolution of the list impacts some mixtures processed by CHEVALIER – CLERET – ELTEC. Detailed communication will be made to the customers affected by these exceptions.

Our information is considered to be accurate, reliable and in good faith at the date of its dissemination and based on the information of our suppliers. Due to the conditions of use and laws that may differ from state to state, changes over time, the recipient is obliged to check that the above information is appropriate for his needs.

CHEVALIER – CLERET has no control over the use of this information and we therefore disclaim all responsibility for their uses

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